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Please contact us to request more information about how LeafWing Center can help.

Enroll Today

Please enroll now to begin services. We will contact you within 24 hours.

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Tell your friends and family about LeafWing Center, share parent training tools and resources.

Schedule An Appointment

Its simple to schedule an intake appointment. Simply, click on the phone icon, locate the office closest to your city and call the office. If you prefer or if this is after business hours, click here and complete the Enrollment Form.

Experience Matters

Choose your professionals skillfully. The LeafWing Center has been helping individuals with developmental disabilities since 1999. In this time, we have worked with thousands of families and have gained invaluable experience.

8 Convenient Locations

We have locations near you. However, if we don’t have a location close to you ask us about opening an office close to you or inquire how we can use TeleHealth to help you.

Insurance Payment Options

We’ll help you find out if your insurance covers you for benefits. Additionally, we can help you find the best method to pay for these services. Click below to see a breakdown of what funding is available in what areas. Learn More.

Who we are and what we do

About LeafWing Center

LeafWing Center (formerly known as the California Institute of Behavior Analysis, Inc.) provides children with autism the chance to learn and become more independent. Our organization is recognized for aiding families and autistic children using the research based on Applied Behavior Analysis.

Autism Spectrum Disorder has historically had a profound impact on families. With the increased prevalence of autism in children, this profound impact has only spread to more and more families.

It is our goal to play a critical role in the lives of these families through our comprehensive and intensive interventions for children with autism. LeafWing Center’s programs for children on the autism spectrum address each area where our children are affected and experience difficulty, ranging from home to school.

“Our supervisor was wonderful…she walked us through everything…it was just wonderful to be able to communicate.”

April 2

World Autism Awareness Day


World Population has ASD


Americans live with the disorder


Annual U.S. Autism service costs

We’ve been helping individuals and families for over 20 years.

About Leafwing Center

LeafWing Center offers a collection of professionals in the field of applied behavior analysis providing concentrated interventions for children on the autism spectrum. Most of us are Board Certified Behavior Analysts and therapists, and all of us are committed to helping children and families.


Enroll today to get started on the road to wellness.

Payment Options

We’ll help you find the best payment method and if you’re covered by insurance.

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